Food Distribution


The International Society for Krishna Consciousness is based on the principles of chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, sankirtana, and distributing sanctified food, prasad (annadhan). Simply by the liberal distribution of prasad and sankirtana, the whole world can become peaceful and prosperous.


Annadhan is the distribution of spiritually sanctified food, prasad, to people in general and to people in need. Because it is food which is offered first to Lord Krishna, it is considered spiritual and sacred, and grants more benefit than simply satisfying one’s hunger. One may take prasad himself, but if he distributes it or helps it to be distributed, the benefits are multiplied hundreds of times. This important charity is recommended in the Vedas for people at any time of life. It purifies the individual of reactions to sinful activities that were knowingly or unknowingly performed, and grants eternal benefits.

“One should offer prasad to the demigods, the saintly persons, one’s forefathers, people in general, one’s family members, one’s relatives and one’s friends, seeing them all as devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.” –BhagavataPurana 7.15.6

We also distribute prasad meals to the homeless and to shut-in people in our local area. We are very happy to provide this service in our community.   Your support will allow us to expand this important program and feed more people.Covid-19 food distribution

ISKCON Jos has distributed prasad to rural villagers as a part of covid-19 relief program in the region. Very much appreciated and indeed, as few villagers mentioned that they were waiting for this prasad, came in large numbers and accepted prasad, maintaining social distance norms. On the occassion of HH Jayapataka Swami Vyasapuja celebrations, sweets were also additionally distributed to the community.

We thank all our donors, who are contributing generously to support ISKCON Jos at this crisis time. We are offering everyday puja for their protection.

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Opening Hours

Monday 9am–5pm
Tuesday 9am–5pm
Wednesday 9am–5pm
Thursday 9am–5pm
Friday 9am–5pm
Saturday 9am–5pm
Sunday 9am–5pm

Contact Info

Address: Zone 1, No. 20, Gwarandok Road, Jos Plateau State, Nigeria.

Telephone: +2348056405062 


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