
On Gopashtami day, Nanda Maharaja performed a ceremony for the cows and Krishna (and His friends) in Vrindavan, as He reached the pauganda age. This was the day Nanda Maharaja sent his children Krishna and Balarama to herd the cows for the first time. It was a celebration meant only for men and boys. As Srimati Radharani and Her friends wanted to enjoy the fun, and because of Her resemblance to Subala-sakha, She put on his dhoti and garments and joined Krishna. The other gopis joined in too.

Devotees remember this sweet pastime on Gopashtami day. This is a very special day at Mayapur as we are fortunate to have darshan of the most merciful lotus feet of Srimati Radharani and Her sakhis.

Go-puja is also done on this day. Devotees visit the Gosala, bathe and clean the cows and the Gosala. The glories of the cow and her protection are discussed by senior devotees. All of them feed the cows and partake of a feast near the Gosala.

Opening Hours

Monday 9am–5pm
Tuesday 9am–5pm
Wednesday 9am–5pm
Thursday 9am–5pm
Friday 9am–5pm
Saturday 9am–5pm
Sunday 9am–5pm

Contact Info

Address: Zone 1, No. 20, Gwarandok Road, Jos Plateau State, Nigeria.

Telephone: +2348056405062 


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